You Need To Know This! Court Reporting Rates Information

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You Need To Know This!





You Need To Know This!


More important than the fact that Pro-Systems can cover your depositions anywhere in the country with our own direct AR’s, is that all general production including Etran emails, Condensed transcripts, Imaging, Exhibit copies, ASCII’s, CD’s, DVD’s, and Video syncing, as well as other services, are all priced at Minnesota rates.


Our rates for production, in most cases, are half of what other service providers charge in other markets.


Pro-Systems does not charge Expedited Rates* on general production as well, unlike other service providers.  This, along with our standard rates, will save your law firm thousands of dollars on a single case.


You receive a complete CD per witness per deposition; with the transcript, Etran file, ASCII file, TranSend file, and Exhibits in both a Searchable PDF, as well as a TIF format.  All on one CD.  (Provided these services are ordered)


At first glance our invoices may seem higher, however, you receive many services from one source at an overall lower rate than if done separately by other service providers.  All of these services are provided when the transcript is delivered.  No need to wait for each individual service provider to complete a task!


*Please note that transcript page rates vary per market and transcripts that are ordered expedited will be at an expedited rate, but only the page rate is expedited.


Contact Pro-Systems to learn more about how we can serve you completely, give you more, and do it right.